The CRD integrates cultural resources compliance into a comprehensive planning process to ensure full compliance with all applicable Federal, State statutes and regulations. All land modifying activities are surveyed and evaluated to comply with the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. The CRD interacts and integrates cultural resources activities and planning with a wide variety of agencies and institutions, including: the Montana State Office of Historic Preservation, the ACHP, Montana State and County planning commissions, other American Indian groups and tribal governments, and with Tribal Directorates and offices.
The CRD and its corresponding budget have not successfully grown over the preceding seven years to meet the Reservation’s cultural resources management needs. In FY99, the program received $7,500; in FY00, $8,000; in FY01, $8,000; FY02, $7,200; FY03, $8,000; FY04, $7,200 (amounts exclude personnel salaries). In FY05, the CRD’s budget is $8,100 as cultural resource surveys and evaluations are scheduled.
Compliance is enforced through strict adherence to NAGPRA, NHPA and NEPA reviews, and periodic patrols. The success of the CRD is demonstrated by the preserved cultural heritage throughout the Reservation. With a permanent staff of two, the work load is a tremendous burden for the small staff and program resources.
Overall Cultural Resources Management, Historical Buildings and Structures, Protection of Archaeological and Traditional Cultural Properties, Curation, Education and Awareness, Community Relations, Cultural Resources Compliance, Museum Management, and Tourism.